Monday, September 28, 2009

Part of Our Famous Dishes

Herbal Prawn
Dried Chili Prawn Rice
Marmite Chicken Rice
Steam Prawn
and many more...

If you don't try today, you will regret for life...

Anatomy — Crustacean Prawn

The common names ‘prawn’ and ‘shrimp’ are often used synonymously for the same crustaceans in different parts of the world

External anatomy of a prawn
A = antenna. AB = abdominal segment. AC = adrostral carina. AF = antennular flagellum. AS = antennal scale. E = eyestalk. HS = hepatic spine. P = pereiopods. Pl = pleopods. R = rostrum. SAS = sixth abdominal segment. T = telson. TM = third maxilliped. U = uropod

Source: Illustration © State of Queensland, Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, 2007 (illustrator: R Bowater)

Equally Separated With Fresh and Sea Water

Suitable For Family and Children

Under The Roof - Relax With Our Ready To Served Drinks and Food.

Front - With Ample of Parking Space